CTFL-2018 exam is one for Foundation level 2018 certification, which is suitable for anyone who needs to demonstrate practical knowledge of the fundamental concepts of software testing including people in roles such as testers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers and software developers. We have cracked the latest CTFL-2018 exam dumps for you to prepare the test. I also collected the related CTFL-2018 exam information and topics for you to study.

Foundation Level 2018 CTFL-2018 Exam Information
Number of Questions: 40
Exam Length: 60 minutes
Note: Participants that take the exam not in their spoken language, will receive additional 25% time, for a total of 75 minutes.
CTFL-2018 Exam Objectives
ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level 2018 CTFL-2018 exam objectives cover the following sections.
Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Testing
Chapter 2 Testing Throughout the Software Development Lifecycle
Chapter 3 Static Testing
Chapter 4 Test Techniques
Chapter 5 Test Management
Chapter 6 Tool Support for Testing
Practice CTFL-2018 Exam Dumps
There are 40 questions and answers covered in ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level 2018 CTFL-2018 exam dumps, which can help you test the above exam objectives. Share some CTFL-2018 exam dumps below.
1.An issue has been found in a production system, where a code component fails to release memory after it has finished using it.Which of the following tools would have been the MOST effective at detecting this defect during Performance testing?
A. Dynamic analysis tool.
B. Test Execution tool.
C. Configuration management tool.
D. Coverage measurement tool.
Answer: A
2.You have been asked to improve the way test automation tools are being used in your company.Which one of the following is the BEST approach?
A. Selecting and automating scripts that test new functionality to find the most defects.
B. Using a keyword-driven testing approach to separate the actions and data from the tool’s script.
C. Ensuring that all data, inputs and actions are stored in the tool’s script for ease of maintenance.
D. Keeping expected results separate from the automation tool to allow the testers to check the results.
Answer: A
3.Which option BEST describes how the level of risk is determined?
A. The likelihood of an adverse event happening multiplied by the cost of preventing it.
B. The consequences of potential problem multiplied by the cost of possible legal action.
C. The impact of an adverse event multiplied by the likelihood of that event occurring.
D. The likelihood and the probability of a hazard occurring.
Answer: C
After practicing all the CTFL-2018 exam dumps, you can study all the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level 2018 CTFL-2018 exam objectives well.